Sexual Abuse
Supreme Court Preparing to Overturn Roe v. Wade
A message from our CEO and Managing Partner, Juan Dominguez: “None of us can ignore what is currently happening in Washington D.C. The news coming from our nation’s capital appears to be that the Supreme Court is preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose. This will negatively impact the rights…
Read MoreLyft and Uber Sexual Assaults
Rideshare giant Uber recently came out with its first safety report covering the years 2017 and 2018. One disturbing statistic found concerning physical and sexual violence was that there were 3,045 sexual assaults during Uber rides in the United States in 2018. Uber claims that these sexual assault incidents, while obviously distressing, are extremely rare.…
Read MoreHow to Fight Sexual Molestation or Abuse
The #MeToo movement has thrust the problem of sexual abuse into public consciousness in an unprecedented way. Long treated as a subject of shame, embarrassment, and fear of the implied weakness of victimization, society is finally waking up to the unfortunate prevalence of these abuses
Read MoreWhat to do if You Are Sexually Assaulted While Unconscious
The ongoing controversy surrounding a former Stanford swimmer convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman has shed the spotlight on the serious yet often overlooked problem of sex crimes committed against incapacitated victims.
Read MoreWhy It’s Important to Report Sexual Abuse and Child Molestation
Learn about breaking news regarding sexual molestation, why it’s important for victims to come forward, and how The Dominguez Firm can help you or a loved one find closure and healing.
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