The Dominguez Firm Announces its Fall 2021 Legal Scholarship Winner

The Dominguez Firm recently named Tristen Sharp as the recipient of its fall 2021 Legal Scholarship Award. A graduate of Illinois State University, Tristen will be entering The University of Arkansas School of Law this coming semester. Her resilience and determination to continue giving back in the face of adversity made her stand out among a pool of worthy candidates.
Tristen’s own journey always included plans to become an attorney. From a young age, she knew she wanted to fight for the rights of others. However, her path to accomplishing that goal was abruptly challenged by not one, but two devastating accidents roughly one and half years apart.
Although she suffered major injuries, Tristen’s mindset was remarkable. Instead of asking, “why me?” she focused her energies on her recovery and continuing with her education, even with the health obstacles she faced. The results speak for themselves; she graduated from Illinois State University with a perfect 4.0 GPA in just three years.
When the CEO and Managing Partner of The Dominguez Firm, J.J. Dominguez established the Legal Scholarship Award, his aim was to help outstanding students pursue a career in law no matter their background or circumstances. Mr. Dominguez is keenly aware of the financial and emotional investment needed to become an attorney. His objective has always been to help aspiring candidates become a force for positive change in our society through the law.
“Thank you so much for selecting me as your scholarship recipient. Your generosity undoubtedly will have a huge impact on my ability to follow my dreams of becoming an attorney and I will make every attempt to perform to the best of my ability every single day in pursuit of my law degree. Again, I thank you for assisting me as I work towards furthering my education!” Tristen said. Today, she does volunteer work while also sharing her life story in the hopes of inspiring others to overcome hardship.
The Dominguez Firm is a powerhouse personal injury and employment law firm that has been helping clients for over 30 years. The firm’s award-winning attorneys have recovered over $1 billion* for deserving clients with a focus on outstanding customer service. For a free consultation, call 800-818-1818. Available 24/7.