b'EMPLOYMENT LAWWHAT SHOULD I DO IF MY RIGHTS HAVE BEEN VIOLATED?If your employment rights have been violated, its important to take action. As soon as you seek help and report the violation, then you can start the process to rectify it. Here are some tips to help you through the initial process of addressing your employment law situation:1.REPORT THE VIOLATION TO A TRUSTED SUPERIOR OR YOUR HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY.2.KEEP DETAILED RECORDS AND PRINT ALL RELATED EMAILS AND DOCUMENTS.3.DO NOT TO TALK TO COWORKERS OR FRIENDS ABOUT YOUR SITUATION.4.DO NOT PROVIDE INTERVIEWS OR GIVE A STATEMENT UNTIL YOU ARE REPRESENTED BY AN ATTORNEY. 5.ENLIST THE HELP OF A PROVEN EMPLOYMENT LAW FIRM WITH THE SKILL AND RESOURCES TO GO TOE-TO-TOEFREE CONSULTATIONWITH POWERFUL EMPLOYERS AND THEIR800-777-7777INSURANCE COMPANIES.Once you have an attorney on your side, they will handle all of the details of your case, provide guidance and legal counseling, and enforce your rights to get you the justice you deserve. Because of the complexities of employment law, it is strongly advised you seek legal counsel immediately if you believe you have suffered an employment law violation.7800-777-7777DominguezFirm.com'