b'EMPLOYMENT LAWIfanemployerfailstocomplywiththe requirements of the Labor Code and other laws, theysubjectthemselvestowageandhour litigation, which can often become a class action case if the employers illegal activity is widespread and impacts multiple employees.WHISTLEBLOWER PROTECTIONSTheCaliforniaWhistleblowerProtectionAct protects anyone who comes forward to expose what they reasonably believe to be a companys violation of state or federal law,noncompliance with a local, state, or federal rule or regulation, or unsafe working conditions or practices. This type of activity can include things like corruption, fraud,unethicalconduct,illegalactivities, disregard for worker safety and health, violation of environmental laws, and any other conduct that is improper or illegal that may harm people or the environment.The California Whistleblower Protection Act makes it illegal for an employer to retaliate against a whistleblower or to retaliate against an employee who refuses to carry out an improper or illegal activity.This protection extends to people who exercised theirrightsasawhistleblowerinanyformer employmentaswell.Thismeansthatformer employerscannotblacklistyouandfuture employers cannot hold the fact that you blew the whistle in the past against you.13800-777-7777DominguezFirm.com'