b'EMPLOYMENT LAWKEY STATISTICSEmployment A study showed $8.8 billion was Law Violations paid out by more than 500 large Despite an intense framework of state andcorporations since 2000 on federal laws, employment law violations arewage-theft claims, with California rampant, as the following statistics show. Onhaving the highest amount the national level, statistics from the Equalof wage and hour violations.EmploymentOpportunityCommissionAccording to the Orange County Register. (EEOC) for 2021 show: 34,332 charges of retaliation.20,908 charges of discrimination based on race.22,843 charges of discrimination based on disability.18,762 charges of discrimination based on sex/gender.12,965 charges of discrimination based on age.6,213 charges of discrimination based on national origin. 2,111 charges of discrimination based on religion. 3,516 charges of discrimination based on color. 855 charges of discrimination based on the Equal Pay Act.5800-777-7777DominguezFirm.com'