b'TAKE YOUR POWER BACKYOURE NOT ALONE1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact at some point in their lives.According to the CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention. KEY STATISTICSSexual HarassmentThe#metoomovement,startedthroughIf you or a loved one has been onlineforumsbythebravewomenwhovictimized, it is important to cameforwardwithreportsofsexualseek help. Victims rights and harassmentandassaultbypowerful HollywoodexecutiveHarveyWeinstein,community support are brought to the forefront just how rampantstronger than ever.sexual harassment is.According to Pew Research Center: 59% OF WOMEN 27% OF MENSay they have been sexually harassed. Over 60% say this happened in a professional or work setting.5800-777-7777DominguezFirm.com'