b'TAKE YOUR POWER BACKSTARTING THE LEGAL PROCESSMolestationWithalldeadlines,itscriticalnottowaituntilthe last minute. Instead, you want to file your claim and subsequentcivillawsuitwellwithinthepreviously noted deadlines to ensure compliance and to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that tend to happen under time constraints. Also of note, if your employer is a public entity, then yourFEHAclaimformmustbefarmoredetailed tomeetstrictnoticerequirementsthatapplyonly togovernmentalemployersasopposedtonon-governmentalemployers.Therefore,itisadvisable to promptly contact our firm for a free consultation regarding any of the above time constraints and your rights, if you experience sexual harassment at work.FREE CONSULTATION800-777-7777MolestationTaking action in a molestation or child sexual abuse case does not require any type of claims form as a prerequisite, UNLESS the perpetrator wasemployedbyapublicentity.Ifso,you mustcomplywiththeCalifornia TortClaims Act, which means you must adhere to stringent deadlinesandrequirements.Moreover,the interplay of the Tort Claims Act and Code of CivilProcedure340.1makesitevenmore difficult. Needless to say, this process can be very tricky and it is strongly advised that you seeklegalcounseltoensureyourrightsare preserved.1515800-777-7777DominguezFirm.com'