b'TAKE YOUR POWER BACKthe final decisionSETTLEMENT OR TRIALSo,youvefiledyourclaimproperly,takenWiththisdifficult,ultra-importantdecision action with a civil lawsuit, gathered facts andlooming, it is essential that you know your case evidence, avoided the defendants challenges,inside and out, know your defendant and their and have pushed them to offer you a settlementarguments, and know the court and the judge amount.This can be a momentous occasion,that you will be in front of so you can forecast and one far removed from the despair of thewhat might happen at a jury trial with some harassment or molestation.If youve attaineddegree of certainty.To accomplish this, in high a settlement offer, you must then answer avalue cases, it may be wise to pay for a focus very important question:should I take theirgroup to hear both sides of your case, then settlement offer, negotiate, or decline it andanswer questions and provide dollar amounts proceed to trial? of what they might award you at trial.Settlement provides certainty and avoids theOurfirmhasaccesstorecentcourtresults need for a lengthy and costly trial.So longfrom many jurisdictions for sexual harassment as the dollar amount is fair, reasonable, andandmolestationcases.Wewillbeableto agreeable,settlementisoftenpreferredtoprovideinformedestimatesofyourrelative trial.It begs the question, however, what is acase value.fair and reasonable settlement amount?If you decide to settle your case, a settlement Typically, a fair and reasonable amount is aagreementstatingthetermsofyour number youre happy with, that represents whatsettlement is entered into, and you will receive you believe you could achieve at a jury trial.yoursettlementcheckusuallywithinafew More than that, its a number youve worked toweeks.If you decide to proceed to trial, you prove and can establish with the evidence inwill then go through all the phases of trial as your case, usually, through depositions of laydiscussed above; if it all goes well, a jury will andexpertwitnesseswhocanexplainwhyreturn a favorable verdict for you.The verdict and how youve been traumatized, what youris ultimately turned into a judgment and you future holds, and the monetary equivalent ofwill then receive your payment typically within your total damages.30 days the judgment is entered, if there are no appeals or post-trial motions. 24800-777-7777DominguezFirm.com'