b'TAKE YOUR POWER BACKget the justice you deserveYOUR LEGAL REMEDIESAs stated earlier, in our civil court system,Molestationmoney is what our society has deemed toIts important to note that if the victim is be the remedy to make you or your childbelowage18andisawardedmonetary whole again after a traumatic, emotional,compensation,itmustbeheldintrust and oftentimes devastating incident. (typically in a bank of your choice), until the child turns 18 years old.This is done Sexual HarassmentthroughaprocesscalledPetitionfor ApprovalofaMinorsCompromiseof Themaincategoryofremedies,oraDisputedClaimorPendingAction,or damages, for which you may be entitled toDispositionofProceedsofJudgement. financial compensation include: Thisstepprotectschildrenfrommaking Loss of past wages poordecisionswithoftentimes,large k k k k amounts of money, and also keeps parents,kLoss of future wages siblings,relatives,andevenfriendsfrom Difference between rate of pay thenspending the victims compensation.With versus current jobs rate of paythat said, damages entitling the victim to (if currently making less money) financial compensation include:Emotional damages (mental health,Pain and sufferingcounseling, psychological, psychiatric)k k k k k Emotional distressFuture projected economic value of allk k k k benefits and perks at former job victimLoss of income (usually future)was forced to give up by moving jobsPast and future medical costs Permanent internal company policy(therapy, psychiatric, medication, etc.)changes to ensure such conduct does notChanges in the policies or practices happen again in the future of the employer of the perpetrator120-225% multiplier of the total amountPunitive damages of reasonable attorney fees expended(to teach defendants a lesson)to secure the verdict Although every case varies, and no result is Punitive damages in an amount sufficientever guaranteed, jury awards and settlements to punish defendant and deter futurecan oftentimes be quite considerable, given misconduct the emotional reaction these types of cases provoke.23800-777-7777DominguezFirm.com'