b'TAKE YOUR POWER BACK4 Expert Witness -This is when both sides have the opportunity to hire experts in relevant fields to review the evidence and form expert opinions about your case. Those may include:psychologists and/or psychiatrists, human resource experts, economists to calculate past and future lost income and medical expenses, and others.If the case doesnt settle, both sides have the opportunity to take the deposition of the other sides experts.5SettlementDiscussions-Most courts will urge and even order the plaintiff and defendant to try to settlethecasethroughacourtsupervisedsettlement conference or a private mediation.If your case is prepared correctly, this may mark the end of your case if the other side offers a reasonable dollar amount to settle your claim.6Trial Preparation -This occurs after settlement discussions have failed and the parties must gear up to present the case in a trial, in front of a judge and a jury inacourtroom. Thisisahighlycomplexprocessand often quite expensive, as taking the deposition of experts is costly, as is preparing all the documents, exhibits, and demonstrative evidence for trial.7Trial -This is when your case is presented to a jury in a court of law before a judge.It consists of jury selection, openingstatements,directandcrossexaminationsof plaintiff, defendant, lay witnesses, and expert witnesses, closing arguments, jury deliberation, and the verdict.In most cases, this is the final phase of litigation.8Post-TrialMotionsorAppeals-This is wheneithersidehasanopportunitytoreviewthetrial and determine if there are any appealable issues or need for post-trial motions, such as if defense counsel were to request a reduction in the verdict award.Although there is a low percentage of an appeal, if it happens, it will extend your case considerably, up to and including the need to have a re-trial.2121800-777-7777DominguezFirm.com'