b'WORK INJURY GUIDEPermanent Disability BenefitsYoumaybeentitledtopermanentdisabilitybenefitsifyou dontrecovercompletelyfromyourinjury,anditcausesa permanent loss of some physical and/or mental function, as confirmed by a doctor. Your eligibility for these benefits will be determined if you reach a point in your recovery where your medical condition is neither improving nor getting worse. This condition is called permanent and stationary or maximum medical improvement.Once your doctor decides that your condition is permanent and stationary, he or she will issue a report. This report includes a rating in the form of a numerical percentage that helps determine your Permanent Disability Rating. This rating is then used to determine a lump sum permanent and stationary monetary compensation amount for your claim.Death BenefitsThese are payments to a surviving spouse, children, or other dependents for a death resulting from a job injury. Our law firm investigates and evaluates various factors to calculate the correct formula of payment for each dependent based on relevant Workers Compensation law. In addition, there is an allowance for burial expenses.Supplemental Job Displacement BenefitsEmployeesinjuredonorafterJanuary1,2005,whoare permanently unable to do their usual job, and whose employer does not offer other work, may qualify for Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits (SJDB). SJDB are provided as a non-transferablevouchertopayforeducationalretrainingand/orskillenhancementatstate-approvedorstate-accredited schools.You may be entitled to one or more of the above benefits. Our office is dedicated to ensuring that you receive all benefits to which you are entitled. Please call or email your assigned legal assistant with any questions or concerns you may have.9'